Training For HSE/GED
We assist youths who are at least 16-25 years old, who have not completed high school to successfully transition to employment, college or training by offering employability and life skills instruction, academic instruction to prepare Corps members to take the HSE( high school equivalency test).
Community Service
As part of pour educational experience, International Youth Organization/New Jersey Youth Corp has a community service component where all Corps members will receive experience in working on community service projects. If you are a Non-profit of Governmental agency we may be able to assist you with community outreach and some labor. Please call us at 973-621-1100 to see if we could be of any assistance to your organization
Employment Training and Job Search
We assist our New Jersey Youth Corps members to obtain additional employment training to assist them with their job search to meet their career goals’ If you are an employer please give us a call at 973-621-1100 to see if we can fill some job vacancies in your organization

New Jersey Youth Corp Moving Up Ceremony
The New Jersey Youth Corps is given a graduation ceremony upon completion of the 16-week Corps program and the passing of the HSE/GED.
New Jersey Community Food Bank Work Site
The Corps members assist the agency with the preparation of packing food and clothing for people in need within the community.